
medicinal leeches


     Medicinal leeches are quite popular in many different countries, including Egypt, Spain, England, France, Italy, and Russia, where they are used to improve one’s health, youthful appearance, and even prolong life. 

     Different countries use leeches for different reasons.

In 1350 Florence, Italy, leeches were used on every person, young or old, to prevent and stop the plague pandemic. As a result, the pandemic was soon over, as it was no match for such a remedy.
In 1552, an Italian doctor started successfully using leeches to cure many gynecological problems and conditions.

In 1812,
many French soldiers got frostbite during their retreat from Moscow. A French doctor suggested curing them with leeches and surprisingly, the method proved incredibly effective.
In 1820, a German surgeon discovered the leech is able to provide
a healing effect as well as an analgesic effect and disinfection. In addition, two to three sessions of hirudotheraphy could completely eliminate a patient’s anxiety and stress.
In 1904, German scientist and surgeon Fridrih Esmarh,
became one of the first to use leeches as an antiseptic and the results were fabulous.

     Each era leaves its mark on how leeches should be used, under what circumstances, and for what diseases they can cure. There were times when leeches were present in almost every residency across Europe.

     In Russia, leeches were used for bloodletting by ordinary people who knew nothing about their truly magical powers. In some difficult cases, the healers were invited to put the leeches on one’s body, because they supposedly knew where to attach the leeches and how many.

     Today’s doctors prefer easier and faster, but less affordable, methods of treatment like a pill or a shot. In many cases, that treatment does the trick – the pain and other symptoms go away…. temporarily. Unfortunately, when its effect is over, some patients claim the symptoms come back. On top of that, some noticed pain in their stomach and liver. Synthetic drugs cause many unwanted side effects for patients – while they may help cure one person, they can often cause other health problems. Sometimes the cure is worse than the disease itself...

     The majority turned to a natural way of healing as a result – the leech. After a few higudotherapy sessions, patients usually feel much better: sleep improves, appetite increases, energy is boosted, moods are uplifted, and the desire to live, love, and create returns…and these are just a few of the symptoms they claim to have. In addition, the illness (not just its symptoms) was gone, the patient was healthy, his immune system was strong and his metabolism normalized.
Doctors who recommended pills and shots were astonished by the hirudotherapy
results. With so many happy patients and visible results, they were forced to accept the effectiveness of the leech treatments.

     Rumors spread fast informing the widest layers of the population about the effects of the medicinal leech. And finally, scientists began studying the effects of leeches on physiological processes in the human body. After numerous studies and researches, scientists admitted that the leech was a pharmaceutical mini-factory, capable of producing a complex of bioactive compounds, which not only cured the body but rejuvenated it as well.

     Between 1923-1936 studies proved that the leech had the strongest antiviral effect on the human body and within three months, many different microorganism strains would die in the body of a leech.

     At the moment when a leech is actively sucking your blood, an amazing fusion between the leech’s body and the human body occurs. Aside from blood, a human can give nothing more to a hungry leech. In this situation, the leech acts as the best natural doctor, healer, and magician, bringing our entire body into a state of inner harmony, adjusting it to longevity and youth.

     Sucking on the human body for a hearty lunch, the leech mobilizes all its organs and systems, turning into a real biofactory that actively consumes and processes our blood. One side effect is rather pleasant for us, the leech injects more than a hundred of its biologically active enzymes into our body. Our bodies need those enzymes because the toxins we are suffering from do not allow us to fully develop them on their own.