
Thanks so much to everyone who had the time to write about their experience with leech therapy and their successful recovery! It always makes me happy when I can help people improve their health. If you would like to share your story, please send me a message at Contact@theleechtherapy.com, and I will add your leech therapy testimonials to the site.

“When medicine is useless, and doctors don’t know what to do, leeches do help. My knee joints hurt. I was not fond of shots, and tablets did not work for me. I called “Rossi’s leech therapy” hoping that the alternative medicine will help me. After just 3 sessions my knees stopped hurting. I was so impressed and could not believe it myself. Leech therapy also helped a lot with my cervical osteoarthritis.
And the mobile service that Victoria offers is very convenient. I do not drive and my daughter was not always available to drive me. I was so happy that Victoria could come to my house and provide the treatment.”

“Even after the first session, the condition of my hands (eczema) noticeably improved.”

“I am an entrepreneur, 45 y.o. Lately, I’ve been having constant headaches, and my blood pressure was higher than normal. Had no sex drive and life, in general, was stressful and joyless. The doctor prescribed me medications on an ongoing basis. I didn’t want to have to take pills to enjoy my life. This very thought was making me more miserable and more depressed. So I went online looking for a miracle cure for my problem. Accidentally I came across reviews of leech therapy and this topic got me very interested! Seemed like leeches could cure almost anything. After collecting and analyzing information, I decided to give it a try. I found Rossi’s leech therapy mobile service and scheduled an appointment. I loved the mobility of this service, very convenient for me, and saves a lot of time.
The results of the therapy for me personally were fantastic!! The headaches are gone and don’t bother me at all. Got my energy back. The extra pounds are slowly coming off. But what pleasantly surprised me the most was my increased libido. I feel like I’m 25 again )) Got rid of the pills and enjoying my life again.
I can honestly say that leech therapy does work and can replace numerous different treatments with just one!”

“After giving birth I noticed spider veins on my legs but did not pay attention to them because this is a common problem after pregnancy. But when my legs began to hurt and larger vessels began to rise from under the skin, then I began to panic and realized that something needed to be done… Doctors could only surgically remove varicose (which, I think, is completely unacceptable), and creams and pills are not effective in treating varicose.
I did not see the results immediately, but after the first couple of sessions, I noted a lightness in my legs and body. At the end of the course (10 sessions) my legs stopped hurting completely, the swelling has gone and my veins stopped developing. After a couple of months, I decided to do one more course of 8 sessions. After the second course of leech therapy, the veins are barely noticeable, they do not bother me and my legs no longer hurt!”

“I’m going to say that I am very squeamish about leeches. And I’m afraid of all new experiments. Especially this kind.
But after giving birth, I was diagnosed with cervical ectropion. Cryotherapy was the answer but I really didn’t wanna do it, and I didn’t wanna for the treatment to take a long time. My girlfriend suggested using leech therapy to get rid of the ectropion. She used it before to treat her problem and she loved the results. I couldn’t decide for some time, I heard that it might hurt and that there was a lot of blood coming out, but I finally decided to do leech therapy anyway and overcome my disgust and fear.
The course consisted of 7 sessions, twice a week. It was not painful at all, it was kind of ticklish, but when the wounds were healing they itched a lot. At the end of my treatment, I was not disgusted or afraid of leeches, I even kind of liked them ) Long story short, my erosion has gone and my period after a course of leech therapy has become painless. And if I have to do it again, I definitely will )”

“A few years ago I faced a terrible migraine. The attacks were very strong, causing vomiting. My search for salvation from migraine was very long, there were many visits to all sorts of doctors, but nothing helped. Since I had no luck with traditional medicine, I’ve turned to alternative medicine. And I’m glad I did! I went for leech therapy, and I had 6 sessions, every two days. We started with only two leeches and in each session, the number of leeches increased and the active points changed. After I was done with the sessions, I was a new person. A HAPPY person! I haven’t had a migraine for 8 months since my last session! I didn’t see any cons in the therapy – it’s useful and painless, and it’s no wonder that this method was used for many centuries! Thanks to mother nature for such useful creatures as leeches!”

“When I was 32 years old, I had the health of a 50-year-old man. Everything hurt! Head, and back, cramps at night, numbness of the fingers, high blood pressure, swollen legs, heartburn, tinnitus, tonsilitis, acne, etc.
I will not describe the whole process of treatment with leeches, but I will say that all the listed diseases (ALL!!!) disappeared within a few months! Now, at 33, I feel like I’m 25!”

“When the first symptoms of prostatitis appeared, I became actively interested in the solution to this problem.
After many doctor’s visits, in a conversation with my good friend, who advised me to treat my problem with leeches, I learned about hirudotherapy. It is hard to overestimate the benefits of treating prostatitis with leeches.
After 8 sessions, I felt a significant improvement, and the symptoms that bothered me disappeared, as they had never happened.
Do not worry about squeamishness, because health is much more important, and the procedure itself turned out to be surprisingly painless.”

“I had mastopathy. Probably every woman after 35 y.o. knows how uncomfortable and even painful this might be. The pain was so strong, I couldn’t take it any longer. The medication that the doctor prescribed worked at first, but it was all temporary, the pain kept coming back. My grandma told me that they used to treat mastopathy with leeches and it worked very well. I cannot stand any type of worms, especially being put on my body, but I was so tired of the pain, so I gave it a try. I didn’t want to see leeches on me, so I always kept my eyes closed during the treatment. Victoria told me I would need 3-5 sessions of therapy. I was so scared at first, didn’t know what to expect, but surprisingly it went very smoothly. It was almost painless, and the leeches didn’t move on me, they were staying in their places and I couldn’t even feel them. The pain was gone after the first session! OMG, I could not believe it! I was so happy and relieved that I could not wait for the second treatment. After the 4th session, I was totally fine and the pain and discomfort disappeared for good. Victoria suggested that I might not need one more session, but I loved the treatment and leeches so much now that I wanted to do the 5th session as well, so we did it. Victoria is amazing, she is not trying to upsell you and just take your money, she really loves to help and cure you. Call her, she knows what she is doing!”

“I had facial neuritis. Half of my face was distorted, one eye did not close, half of my tongue was numb, and I could hardly talk. My taste changed, and all food seemed bitter.
Thank God I found out about leech therapy and found Victoria. I went through 7 sessions, and it helped me a lot. My face went back to normal, my speech was restored. I would recommend it to anyone who has the same problem!

“For many years I could not get pregnant. My husband and I tried everything, our health was good, we took vitamins and I even had done that special physical therapy to get pregnant. All for nothing. A friend of a friend, who is a nurse, suggested I try leech therapy as a last resort. With nothing to lose and big hopes for it to work, I started my treatment with Victoria. She suggested doing 10 sessions, then waiting 2-3 months, and if needed doing another 10 sessions. But we needed only one course. After only a month and a half after finishing the 10 first sessions, I got pregnant!!! It was like a miracle to us. My husband was in shock when he heard the news ))) He was the skeptical one about leech therapy in the first place. But he believes in it now. Just 3 weeks ago I had a son and the pregnancy went very well. Thanks to Victoria and the leeches, they were godsent!”

“A few weeks ago, my son started having insomnia. We have tried a lot of different treatments, with no results. My baby didn’t sleep well no matter how I put him to bed. I knew I had to do something, but I was afraid to give sleeping pills to a six-year-old child. So, I was looking for a natural treatment for little kids. Being originally from Greece, I knew that you can cure many illnesses with leech therapy and it’s a natural remedy, suitable for kids. I found Victoria and she confirmed that it would be safe for a child and provides good results in curing sleep disorders.
Literally after the very first session, a good sleep finally returned to my boy. I believed leech therapy would work, but didn’t expect it to work so fast! My boy sleeps just fine now, and everything is fine with him. I am very glad that I used leech therapy. Now I advise all my friends who have problems with sleep, to treat it with leech therapy.”

“I am a hairdresser. I spend most of my time standing up. As a result, I have pain in my legs, and swelling at the end of the working shift. My colleagues recommended me some pills and creams to get rid of the swelling and pain. Did not help. My elderly aunt, seeing my suffering, suggested that I find a professional leech therapist who can help me with my problem. She said leeches are very good at eliminating pain, and swelling, normalizing blood circulation and dissolving blood clots. I had to overcome my disgust and decided to have it done. I didn’t want to see the leeches, so I closed my eyes when they were put on my body. In general, the sessions were pretty relaxing and not scary at all. And the results were great, the swelling was gone pretty fast, the heaviness that I felt in my legs disappeared, and, most importantly, my leg’s endurance increased.”

“I’ll start from the beginning. I had hemorrhoids. I knew about it, but it didn’t cause me any significant problems, and because of the delicacy of this problem, I didn’t go to the doctor. But one day, severe pain made it clear that I would have to go to the doctor.
I went to several doctors, strange, but each of them had a different diagnosis.
The first one said that the problem was with the prostate,
the second one said it was internal and external hemorrhoids,
and the third doctor said it was an anal fissure. I was surprised by this, but for the fourth time, I didn’t want to show my butt )))
I went through treatment for each of the treatments prescribed to me. The only thing that I didn’t want to go for is an operation. I felt it was an extreme option for me.
But after all the treatments, the pain didn’t want to go away. Then I came across reviews about leech therapy on the Internet, read as much as I could find, liked it a lot and I started looking for a leech therapist.
Found Victoria and her Rossi’s leech therapy services. Called her for a consultation and after speaking with her felt comfortable scheduling my first appointment. Glad she offered a mobile service and was willing to come to my house. I am in San Diego and driving to Orange County is literally a pain in the butt for me ))
In the begging, I had a fear of being bitten by leeches, but when I felt what it was like my fear disappeared. I can’t even call it a pain, didn’t hurt at all. But I had a lot of blood coming out of me. Again, happy it was a mobile service, and I did not have to drive while bleeding.
I had 9 sessions of leech therapy. The pain was gone after the second session. But I wanted to do the whole course to get rid of my hemorrhoids completely.
It’s been 3 months since I finished the treatment and I was waiting to see if leech therapy helped me. Now I can say that the pain didn’t come back and my hemorrhoids are gone. It was fast, relatively easy, and painless.”

“I was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome. Doctors said it cannot be cured. Wrong! Victoria said it can be cured. And leeches proved it! After 5 sessions of leech therapy only one small cyst remains and many cysts have already resolved. So happy to find such an amazing natural cure as leeches!”

“One day I woke up and found some sort of gum disease in my mouth on my upper gum. Not sure how I got it and what it was. Went to the dentist and he gave me some antibiotics to take and said it should be gone in a week or sooner. I didn’t want to take antibiotics because I don’t like them but had no choice. After a week of taking prescribed medication, the gum disease didn’t go away and it got even bigger and started to hurt. I was done with traditional medicine, never believed in it anyway, and turned to alternative medicine. I found leech therapy and had 3 sessions, that’s all I needed. After the first session, the pain went away, and after the third one, the disease was completely cured. What I loved about leech therapy is that it is a natural treatment from nature itself, not some chemicals that we have to put in our bodies as pills.”

“Our dog injured his ear somehow. He was scratching it like crazy and we couldn’t understand why. We took him to the vet, they checked him out, and everything was good. Did a couple of tests, and no infection was found. But he was still scratching his ear and it got swollen with blood and became hot. The vet didn’t know what else to do, he prescribed some antibiotics and suggested we do surgery on our dog’s ear to get rid of the blood. No way we would do that to our boy! He is too old for the surgery, and I thought surgery was just too much. So we were looking for a leech specialist who could help us to get rid of the blood in our boy’s ear. Leeches are great for bloodletting, they are natural and safe. We found Victoria and luckily she was close to us and she was working with animals as well. We needed only one session for our dog. After the session, he was bleeding a lot, which was good. Almost all the blood from his ear was gone the same night. The very next day he was fine, and he even stopped scratching his ear after that. Leech therapy helped our boy to get well fast, without risking his life, and saved us money.”

“After 55, my mom developed high blood pressure, and her ferritin level was too high. She was taking medication to keep her blood pressure in balance, but these pills were making her weak, dizzy, and her legs got swollen. My friend’s husband who is into holistic medicine told me about leech therapy. He said his dad was using it to lower his blood pressure and it’s good for cleaning and renewing blood, and that the leeches are great for bloodletting and can clean and heal the liver, and lower ferritin level. I went online looking for leech therapy and found “Rossi’s leech therapy” mobile service, which was very convenient, we didn’t have to travel and Victoria could come to our place. After only 3 sessions my mom’s blood pressure went back to normal and she stopped taking her pills. She did 4 sessions in total. It’s been 2 months since the last session and her blood pressure is perfect, her ferritin level got back to normal, and she has a lot of energy now. She hasn’t been taking the pills since the therapy and she feels great. I’m so happy for her and happy that we found a fast natural way to heal my mom.”

“A few years ago, I had a root canal procedure done on one of my teeth. Unfortunately, I recently started experiencing pain in the same tooth. I visited a dentist who informed me that there was an infection at the root and that she wasn’t confident she could save the tooth. She recommended that I have it extracted and replaced with an implant. However, I was not thrilled with this outcome as I wanted to keep my natural tooth, and my insurance didn’t cover the cost of an implant, which was crazy expensive.
Determined to find an alternative solution, I turned to the internet for help. After some research, I came across Rossi’s leech therapy and got in touch with Victoria. She said that she had personally used the therapy to cure her tooth infection, and it should work in my case as well. That was promising, and I decided to give it a try.
To my surprise, after just one treatment, my toothache disappeared. I continued with the therapy and had a total of four treatments, after which Victoria suggested that I might not need anymore. A month after my last treatment, I went back to the dentist, and to my amazement, the infection was completely gone! I couldn’t believe it. Who would have thought that leeches could save my tooth? Not only that, but they also saved me a lot of money. I used to be skeptical of leeches, but now I am a firm believer in their therapeutic powers!”

I recently found myself in a dire situation when a pinched nerve in my back left me immobilized, engulfed in excruciating pain. It was an unbearable ordeal that affected every aspect of my life, from simple movements to getting a good night’s sleep. Learning that the healing process could take up to 5-6 weeks, I was desperate to find a solution that would expedite my recovery and allow me to resume my daily activities.
Traditional painkillers failed to provide any substantial relief, leaving me frustrated and seeking alternative treatments. That’s when I stumbled upon the idea of using leeches to alleviate my suffering.
Initially, I was skeptical about the efficacy of such a traditional and unconventional approach. However, the prospect of being able to walk and eventually return to my normal life sooner than expected was too enticing to ignore.
After the treatment, by the end of the first week, to my astonishment, I began to experience noticeable improvements. The therapy significantly reduced the inflammation that had been causing me immense pain. I could walk again, and the pain had already become tolerable.
During the second half of the week, the pain receded completely, and I was able to return to my normal life. The impact of leech therapy on my recovery was undeniable.
The painkillers had failed me, but these bloodsucking creatures proved to be a revelation. Their ability to alleviate inflammation and restore mobility surpassed my expectations. I’m immensely grateful for the positive impact they had on my life.

My husband has suffered from migraine attacks since childhood (although many people believe that migraine is purely a female disease, but that’s not true). He visited various clinics, consulted with different doctors, and tried various medications. Everyone shrugged their shoulders, advised more fresh air, and good sleep, and prescribed special diets, but nothing had any effect. The migraine attacks did not stop and did not even become less frequent.
In the end, we decided to try alternative medicine. After researching articles on the internet and hearing reviews from acquaintances, we chose hirudotherapy. That’s how I found Victoria. After two sessions, my husband noticed an improvement in his overall well-being. The migraine attacks were still there, but they were much milder and less frequent. We will definitely continue with the treatment.